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Hired Hands Models


We love love at Hired Hand Models

However you plan on celebrating tonight. Waitrose have some cracking offers. 

Jeanette and Donald are getting handsy with the menu:

Out now across Out of Home Advertising, Social Media, and In Store

Art Direction Lead: @___james.davies / @waitrose
Photography: @matt_russell
Food Styling: @sianidfoodstylist
Prop Styling: @weitangstylist
Hand Models: @donald_sze & @jeanettehandmodel
Waitrose Creative: @fperticaro @brenkles
Production: @frankie_hill_ @harrupearson / Inspired Thinking Group (ITG)
Campaign Manager: @Saul Taylor-Deacon
Advertising Agency:@saatchiuk UK Advertising Manager: Vinay Patel Retouching: @theobservatorylondon
 1st Option Locations Art Director: @corriehealle



Shout out to our Model Couples.

Need Talent with real chemistry - then we got you covered!! 

Happy Valentine’s!!

#notjusthands #modelagency #handmodel #hiredhandsmodels #londonmodels #fashion #londonmodelagency #valentines #love #romance