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Hired Hands Models

Chino Amaechi - Meet The Models

Chino Amaechi - Meet The Models

3 July 2024

In this months Meet The Models we have been chatting to Chino! 

Hi Chino, Thanks for sitting down with us to answer our questions:

1) How did you get into the industry?
I used to act and do interviews when I was a lot younger and got signed based on those clips and then when signed was asked if I would consider modelling also and then it’s been an adventure since.

2) Do you remember your first job?
Erm I believe it was an extra in a movie and then a commercial for a phone company. 

3) What’s been your favourite campaign you have worked on and why?
I would say modelling for Mercedes as I have worked with them a few times and the team is lovely and warm and it always feel like a fun day more than actual work. 

4) Any advice to new faces?
Show up on time be punctual, and professional and be kind, in my experience it will take you a lot further. You may find yourself with better opportunities you may not necessarily be the best person for but because people by into you they will encourage, support and champion you for a position or networking opportunity

5) Do you have a beauty routine?
Honestly I don’t but I try to drink a lot of water for healthier skin and try and get as much rest as I can, besides that it’s always moisturise. 

6) What is the strangest thing you’ve been asked to do on set?
At one shoot I remember having to wear a crazy outfit and try and do ballet dances at the same time ( I’m not a trained dancer at all) basically being the opposite of what I’m dressed like.

7) Do you have a dream brand or client you are yet to shoot for? A Dream Collaboration? And why?
 I would love to work with high end fashion brands preferably Balmain, Versace and Gucci brands as I love fashion and their lines in particular which I feel have some classic and iconic pieces. It would be a dream to do a campaign for them as I feel I could represent for the big boys/ curvier models like myself which may not get the spotlight like many slimmer models. 

8) Outside of modelling, what is your biggest passion?
Biggest passions outside of modelling is music I literally can not go a day without it, coming from a musical family of singers and musicians, music has been instilled in me and I’d probably say it’s my first love. Other than that my passion is family I’m very family orientated you may not always have the best family but they’re yours and mine I hold dear. 

9) Have you ever been starstruck when meeting a director or celebrity on set?
Not so much now probably due to pride and realising they’re still human beings but when I was younger most definitely. Recently I met Andy Cole at one Mo Gilligans after party and as Man United fan I will admit I was in awe because he is a man united legend but he was so chill and polite it made me feel at ease. 

10) If you could only take 3 things with you to a desert island, what would they be and why? 
 A sound system where I could somehow play music by shear will and ingenuity think it might need to be solar powered lol , a beautiful companion and a multifaceted survival kit consisting of first aid items, tents , rope and knives I think cheated on my last idea lol 

11) What did you want to be when you grew up?
 I went through phases first was something in tech, then in media (tv/ radio presenter) which I have done stints of and a chef.

12) If you weren’t a model what would you be instead?
If honest probably a Tv or radio presenter I have experience in these fields and a good network system

 To book Chino please Contact Us - or CLICK HERE to view his profile.


Chino Amaechi - Meet The Models
Chino Amaechi - Meet The Models
Chino Amaechi - Meet The Models
Chino Amaechi - Meet The Models
Chino Amaechi - Meet The Models