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Real Model Couples

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Real Couples Modelling Agency

"Real model couples" refer to pairs of models who are in a genuine romantic relationship outside of their professional work. In the modeling and advertising industries, it's not uncommon to have models pose as couples, families, or friends to create a believable scene or scenario for a campaign. However, real model couples bring a unique authenticity to shoots because of their genuine chemistry, intimacy, and familiarity with each other.

Some reasons why brands or photographers might choose real model couples include:

  1. Authenticity: Real couples have genuine chemistry, which can be challenging to replicate entirely with models who are just meeting for the first time. This authentic connection can translate well on camera and make images or scenes feel more believable.
  2. Comfort Level: Since they're already in a relationship, real couples are typically more comfortable with each other. This comfort can be essential for intimate scenes or poses.
  3. Efficiency: Real couples might require less direction in terms of creating a natural and loving dynamic, potentially making the shoot go smoother and faster.
  4. Diverse Representation: With the increasing emphasis on representation and diversity in media, brands may seek real couples from various backgrounds, ages, and orientations to showcase a broader range of love and relationships.
  5. Marketing and Storytelling: The narrative of using a real couple can also be incorporated into the marketing or storytelling of a campaign, making it more engaging or relatable for the audience.
  6. Emerging Trends: With the rise of social media influencers, many real-life couples have gained popularity by showcasing their daily lives, travels, or experiences. Some of these couples are then approached for commercial opportunities due to their established online presence.
While there are advantages to using real model couples, it's also essential to ensure that their presence aligns with the brand's message and goals for a particular campaign.
If you and your partner are both professional models, or one of you models and your partner would like to get into modelling, then please see our applications page to apply to our agency.